Julia Roberts does Vanity Fair


Julia Robert är med på omslaget utav Vanity Fair.
Här är ett udrag ifrån intervjun med henne i tidningen.

Julia on paparazzi taking photos of celebrities? children: ?I just feel like it?s so demeaning the way they behave, and I hate the fact that I even put any of my energy into thinking about it or being stressed about it. And really, more than anything, it just has to do with my kids. There?s no reason to take pictures of celebrities? children other than for people to say, ?Oh, they?re cute.? I think magazines shouldn?t run pictures of people?s kids. I have a problem with that. I also have a problem with the whole notion that, if I have Henry in a sling, I?m hiding him. He?s a baby and I?m carrying him around, and so?s the lady across the street. I get pissed off, because I think that it?s inhuman to chase a woman with her children.?

Julia on how celebs are just like normal people: ?We?re all the same. Why can?t we get on board with this? That we?re all the same. Some have cooler jobs, some have less cool jobs, some have longer legs, some are nicer people, but we?re all the same. We?re all orbiting the same sun.?

Julia on diapers: ?I use Seventh Generation [chlorine-free, nontoxic] diapers for Finn and Hazel, and then I was turned on to the [plastic-free, flushable] gDiapers. Henry?s got a gDiaper on.? I would recommend them overall. It is flushable, but you?ve got to stir that thing! If you don?t really break it all the way up, it doesn?t go all the way down.?

Julia on how it felt to be the first woman to earn more than $20 million [for Erin Brockovich]:?Just as good as it would if you were a man, I bet. I mean, I guess I shouldn?t belittle it like that. I should take pride in being a forerunner, even if it?s something that seems kind of stupid, like being overpaid for a great job. But I don?t really think about it. Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas was my agent then, and she took a real position, as a woman in the industry representing a woman, to make strides in that way. So she really deserves credit. It was really a thing for her.?

Julia on getting back into shape after having children: ?I have been working out, but listen, it is 97 percent genetics. Don?t let anybody tell you any crap about anything else, because that?s what it is: 97 percent genetics and 3 percent just get your ass moving. Because I?ve never met a cookie I didn?t like.?


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