Eva och Tonys bröllop
Så VACKER Eva var!! En underbar klänning! Älskar silverdetaljerna i den vita brudklänningen! Den perfekta kombinationen!
Så vacker vill jag också vara när min stora dag kommer :)
Älskar att dom har glimten i ögat! Titta bara på prydnads-saken högst upp på bröllopstårtan! ^^
Här ett litet utdrag ur intervjun:
Tony: It wasn't a totally serious wedding. We had a lot of laughs.
OK: Yes, Eva giggled as she was trying to speak the vows in French.
Tony: She decided I would do the vows in English; hers would be in French. There were some tough words. I'm very proud of her.
OK: Were there people you were sad couldn't attend?
Eva: I was really sad Marcia Cross couldn't be with us, but she couldn't travel with the babies [twins Eden and Savannah were born in February]. We always said from the beginning that whoever is supposed to be here would be here. We had the perfect number of people.
OK: Will you go by Longoria or Parker in the Desperate Housewives credit?
Eva: It will stay Longoria for a while, but I love the tradition of taking the name Parker. Legally everything is changed.
OK: Do you want a boy or girl?
Eva: We just want healthy. We both come from big families, so we want a lot of kids.
åååh. hoppas att DET HÄR håller, kändisäktenskap har en förmåga att ta slut väldigt fort tycker jag ;P
Hon är så vacker, man blir lite avis.
men ojojoj vad smal hon ser ut att vara på den första bilden! hoppas det bara är kortet som är ihopdraget..
så vacker! Längtar tills DH kommer tillbaka. :)
Jag tror faktiskt att deras förhållande kommer hålla ett tag, det verkar som det just nu iaf. :)