Haha! "Roligt test!" ^^

Följ instruktionerna

Välj månaden (numret) du är född i:
1 - I ate
2 - I needed
3 - I ran naked with
4 - I shot
5 - I cuddled with
6 - I smoked with
7 - I banged
8 - I ran shirtless with
9 - I stabbed
10 - I killed
11 - I slept with
12 - I killed

Välj datumet du är född på:
01 - the trojan man
02 - a dog
03 - a jew
04 - Paris Hilton
05 - a toothbrush
06 - a homo
07 - Barny the dinosaur
08 - a prostitute
09 - a pornstar
10 - a bag of weed
11 - the kool-aid-man
12 - Santa Claus
13 - a condom
14 - a whorè
15 - an orange
16 - a stripper
17 - a bisexual
18 - a horse
19 - my boyfriend
20 - a crackhead
21 - a homeless guy
22 - my lover
23 - my crush
24 - a easter egg
25 - a jar of honey
26 - a hottie
27 - a bowl of cereal
28 - a french fry
29 - your dealer
30 - a glass of milk
31 - Your grandma

Välj färgen på tröjan/plagget du har på dig:

White - Because thats how i roll
Black - because im sexy as hell
Pink - Because the lil people told me to
Red - because I have AMAZING boobs
Blue - because I'm a pimp and your jealous
Polka Dots - because I hate my life
Purple - because I'm gày
Gray - because I love marijuana
Other - because I have double D's
Green - because I'm good in bed
Orange - because I smoke crack
Turqoise - because I have a noodle in my nose
Brown - because i had to
Shirtless - because I've got abs

I slept with Paris Hilton because I love marijuana! Hm, jättekul..... *ironi* ^^

vet inte varför jag kopierade den faktiskt ... ännu ett omoget, töntigt, tråkigt test som nån kopiera till mig XD haha!

vad blir ni?


Postat av: Sanna

I killed a condom because I'm good in bed. Inte så överdrivet kul kanske.

2007-06-09 @ 17:50:09
Postat av: Mia

I ran naked with the trojan man because I'm sexy as hell!

2007-06-09 @ 17:58:45
Postat av: Jenni

I cuddled with a horse because I'm gày.

2007-06-09 @ 20:05:23
Postat av: sandra

I slept with a prostitute because I love marijuana. :P

2007-06-09 @ 20:28:17
URL: http://sandraao.blogg.se
Postat av: hillevi

I smoked whit a hottie because I have AMAZING boobs

2007-06-10 @ 10:33:46
Postat av: Sofie

I ran shirtless with a prostitute because im sexy as hell
hahah ;)

2007-06-10 @ 12:29:20
URL: http://ssofiee.blogg.se
Postat av: Mickan

I ran naked with a pornstar because that's how i roll.. :P

2007-06-10 @ 16:31:08
Postat av: Sanne

I ran shirtless with a dog because I have AMAZING boobs ;)

2007-06-10 @ 20:29:21
URL: http://rsanne.blogg.se
Postat av: Anonym

i shot a glass of milk because i'm sexy as hell ^^

2007-06-10 @ 21:35:36
Postat av: patricia

i ate a homo because i'm sexy as hell

2007-06-10 @ 23:51:06
Postat av: emma

I killed a easter egg becaus the lil people told me to.

2007-06-10 @ 23:56:47
Postat av: Paulina

I smoked with my loover because that's how i roll

2007-06-11 @ 00:18:12
URL: http://bryno.blogg.se
Postat av: ida

emmas var roligast! hahaha!
i banged a bag of weed because that's how i roll

2007-06-11 @ 00:41:29
Postat av: Linda

I ate your grandma because the lil people told me to

2007-06-15 @ 10:19:24

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