Lindsay Lohan intervju
En nykter Lindsay Lohan har kommit ut ur rehab och genast har hon bokat upp sig på intervjuer med kända tidningar.
Första tidningen hon tog sig an var "Ok! Magasine" som jag har ett litet utdrag ifrån här i bloggen.
Lindsay on her immediate future: ?I?m staying in Utah until it?s time to shoot ?Dare to Love Me ?, and then I plan on returning to Utah so I can stay focused and avoid other distractions. If I wasn?t worried about relapsing, I?d be living in denial. Temptation is always there, but now I?ll avoid it the right way. I don?t blame anybody but from now on I plan to surround myself with good people who have their hearts and their minds in the right places. While I?ve been in Utah I have only spoken to my family.?Linday on whether she?s quitting acting: ?Absolutely not - never! I?m here to stay. My talent is a gift, and I?m going to use it in the right way.?
Lindsay on her two DUI arrests: ?I hit rock bottom. Everything in my life came to a point where I had to make a decision, the arrest that night helped me come to a point where I had to make one. My experience in Utah has been sobering and humbling. It made me look at myself, and all of the people, places and things in my life in a different way. I was in there for substance abuse, after all.?
Lindsay on the feud between her estranged parents: ?I wish it would stop. It hurts when two people you love argue with one another. I don?t think any child wants to see their parents argue or see their family fall apart. Unfortunately, it happens, and when it does, they should do it with as little effect on their children as possible.?
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