Renée och George i Marie Clair


Renée Zellweger och George Clooney är med i det senaste numret i brittiska tidningen Marie Clair.
Jag älskar dessa svart&vita fotona!
Dom är så stiliga och vackra, så mycket känsla i dom.

Här är ett uttdrag från intervjun med dom :
Renee on the romance rumours: We're married! Didn't you hear? The baby's coming in July. Why do you think I'm wearing this baggy jacket??

Renee on George's 'goodness': It's just his natural disposition.  he does the right thing, it's almost a disease with him. I know it's shocking in this day and age that there's no scandal. He's just nice and he works very, very hard.

George describing their relationship: One of my dearest friends.
George on working with Renee: When Renee commits, it greenlights a movie. So, there's a responsibility, as the director of this film, not to screw up my friend.

/ My


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